Friday, March 26, 2010

I mean, it's true.

I am the queen of procrastination. I'm trying to write a journal entry for my IAH class, and I have one sentence:

"Amar is a weird dude."

In a normal situation, this sentence would be completely inappropriate. In this case, not even close to inappropriate. This guy has serious stalker tendencies. Oh yeah. And he's stalking a terrorist. Not to like, catch her to turn her in. No, no. He's in love with her. Good times. The movie ends with them blowing up while they're hugging, due to the bomb that's strapped to her torso. I guess she decided she'd blow up her stalker instead of the president.

Back to procrastination.

See? I even procrastinate the topic of my post. Unforgivable.

I have many things I need to do today. How many of them will I actually do? Probably like one. I'll probably end up taking a nap, watching a movie, eating some food, watching the game...I am the worst student ever.

Let's see if I can come up with anything beyond my first sentence.

BTW, it's freezing outside. Are we not aware it's spring?

"Your stupid friend zone. I should have been lovers with her first and then friends. That was terrible advice. Terrible advice! You know my seduction method. I like to get in there and get my hands dirty. You sabotaged me. You sabotaged me, man!" - Michael

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