Monday, May 24, 2010

Get out of my way.

I am convinced that there are approximately 8.76 people in mid-Michigan who can drive. I mean, seriously.

I get cut off at least twice during a one way trip.
95% of the people I end up behind are driving at least 10 under the posted speed limit (Yes, I am aware it is a speed limit, but seriously wtf. Where I'm from, if you're not doing 5 over, you get flicked off and screamed at.).
It is common practice, apparently, to merge at a snail's pace into a turn lane, and put on your turn signal once your entire vehicle is in the lane. (NEWS FLASH. It is a turn SIGNAL. You SIGNAL your intent, and then you perform your intent.)

This list could go on forever.

But alas. I'm convinced there's a sticker on my car that invites people to drive like morons when they're within a half mile of me. And it's one of those things where like some people can't hear certain frequencies. Everyone can see the sticker except me.

Completely unrelated topic: I think I might be hallucinating noises right now. I keep thinking I hear my phone vibrate, and then remember my phone is not on vibrate. So now I think it sounds like a cow. Maybe Konishiki is mooing. That would be pretty awesome if my fish could moo.

"It's like last week I was at the video store. Do I rent The Devil Wears Prada again? Or do I finally get around to seeing Sophie's Choice? It is what you would call a classic difficult decision." - Michael

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I couldn't think of anything creative.

So, I thought summer was supposed to be relaxing. I haven't done much of that. I go to the band office to do almost nothing at 9 every morning. The good news is, I can usually get stuff done at home because I'm not there very long.

This upcoming week, I have 35.5 hours at good old Dick's Sporting Goods. Now, I really like money. I really don't like that store. I'm so conflicted. We have two people in footwear on vacation this week; one of whom I really don't like very much. He talks more than I do, which is saying a lot. He also doesn't get anything done, leaving me to do what he didn't do a vast majority of the time I come in to work. I don't like doing other people's work. So I am happy he is out of the picture this week. Jealous of the other guy that's on vacation because he is in Japan. I told him a bunch of things to try and see while he's there. I would so love to go back to Japan someday.

Went to Tweezer and Lauren's wedding yesterday. It was a lot better than I expected. I actually had fun. I don't think Lauren really likes any of the tubas and acted super awkward when Austin and I said goodbye last night. Oh well. She looked super gorgeous, by the way. Loooooved her dress. The ceremony was really nice, and the reception was even nicer. It was in Bridgewater Place in downtown Grand Rapids, which looked pretty new to me. I don't remember it being there when I was in DeVos across the way my senior year for MMC. Really nice building. Great place for a reception. So, probably expensive. But nice just the same.

The ride home was depressing, for a couple reasons. The main portion being when Austin came up with like 7 people he'd want in his wedding party that he thinks he'd have a tough time cutting down to four or five.

I came up with one person.

I can't decide if this is good or bad. I told Austin that Jennifer would just be a huge pimp, walking down the aisle with like five guys. No big. She'd love it. You know, awesome, I have one really really good friend. But I can't think of like, anyone else as of right now that I could just be like, "Wanna be in my wedding party?" Maybe I'm just thinking too hard or I'm too concerned about it. Maybe your wedding party doesn't have to be your close close friends. Or friend. I mean, don't get me wrong. Jennifer will be in my wedding party no matter what. If I get married 7 times, she'll be my matron of honor 7 times. But the other people? I just don't know. Maybe people I would have put in my wedding party like, a year ago, will stop being douche bags by the time I get married, but I just don't know. I trust people less by the day. Maybe I'll hire some people.

Watching people dance last night made me laugh. My dad told me once that we're learning to waltz for my wedding "so we don't look like idiots doing the softshoe shuffle."

I always think of ridiculous things for my wedding.

1. Sparty as best man.

Sparty will be at my wedding, no matter what. If he can't be best man, maybe he can be a brideservant.

2. Instead of the wedding party taking dance lessons, we'll go to Camp Kickstep with Glen Brough.

You know how they introduce the wedding party at the reception? We'll come in kickstepping.

3. If we can't kickstep, we come in to State Fanfare or the Pregame Fight. Or the first lick of Spartan Fanfare like they do at basketball games when they announce the starting lineup. Our guests can be like the Izzone.

You know I'm going to pick some epic music for my wedding. You want an invite, I know. People are going to pay for invitations to my wedding.

My mom originally came up with the fight song. I've just expanded on it. Probably not a good thing. If you love me, you won't let me do all of this. The only thing I'm super serious about is Sparty being at my wedding. It's a requirement. Maybe not in the wedding party, but he'll be there in his tux. I mean, come on. How awesome would it be to get your picture taken with Sparty in your wedding dress? Pretty freaking cool, if you ask me.

I think I might have to turn the AC on sometime in the near future. It's starting to get hot in here.


"I'm not going to be okay....I don't know what I'm going to do....Please. I'm not going to be okay....I'm not strong. I'll go back to Jan and I hate Jan. Oh, God..." - Michael

Monday, May 3, 2010

OH, Finals.

It is that time again, friends. Finals. One of my least favorite times of year. Not only is my brain on the brink of exploding, but it's hot as Hell outside, and I'm just in general miserable.

Yeah, I know. Wah wah finals wahahhahaweahwfe. Everyone has them. Doesn't help when I have whiny band directors calling Sharon asking where the music to the fight song is they requested at the beginning of the weekend right before MSU finals, friends being douche bags, busy boyfriend who has no time for girlfriend, etc. etc. Nothing can ever go right for me. Things get really stupid at the dumbest possible times. Thrilling.

The good news is: No finals for Conducting Seminar or Instrumental Methods.
Bassoon final taken last week.
Saxophone final taken this morning.

The bad news is:
18th Century Music final at 12:45.
IAH 211B (Bollywood) final at 3.
Caribbean Music Final at 3 on Wednesday.
Various other meetings/work to get done this week.

My head is going to explode, just wait. As Dr. Cannon said at the concert yesterday, "Today is the day measure 5 is going to be awesome." Well, Wednesday is the day my head will finally explode.

Walked a 10K yesterday with my parents. In the rain. It was pretty miserable, but still cool. My back hurts like hell because of it. Don't really understand that part, but oh well. My knee isn't hurting today like it was after the 10K yesterday.

Concert yesterday. Could've gone better, could've gone worse. Concert Band has some serious togetherness issues. Oh well.

And now, I must study. Not even close to excited about this, and either is my headache. I hope the rest of the world is feeling leagues better than I am.

"Turns out being the 'morality police' does not make you popular. I should know, because in middle school I was the hall monitor and the kids used to stuff egg salad in my locker. Yeah, I was just hoping middle school was over." - Holly