Monday, May 24, 2010

Get out of my way.

I am convinced that there are approximately 8.76 people in mid-Michigan who can drive. I mean, seriously.

I get cut off at least twice during a one way trip.
95% of the people I end up behind are driving at least 10 under the posted speed limit (Yes, I am aware it is a speed limit, but seriously wtf. Where I'm from, if you're not doing 5 over, you get flicked off and screamed at.).
It is common practice, apparently, to merge at a snail's pace into a turn lane, and put on your turn signal once your entire vehicle is in the lane. (NEWS FLASH. It is a turn SIGNAL. You SIGNAL your intent, and then you perform your intent.)

This list could go on forever.

But alas. I'm convinced there's a sticker on my car that invites people to drive like morons when they're within a half mile of me. And it's one of those things where like some people can't hear certain frequencies. Everyone can see the sticker except me.

Completely unrelated topic: I think I might be hallucinating noises right now. I keep thinking I hear my phone vibrate, and then remember my phone is not on vibrate. So now I think it sounds like a cow. Maybe Konishiki is mooing. That would be pretty awesome if my fish could moo.

"It's like last week I was at the video store. Do I rent The Devil Wears Prada again? Or do I finally get around to seeing Sophie's Choice? It is what you would call a classic difficult decision." - Michael

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