Sunday, January 31, 2010

Some thoughts.

As I meander my way around my apartment to get ready for work this morning, I can't help thinking about how much my job sucks.

Now, I know, everybody's heard me complain about how terrible my job is. And it is. But that's honestly not the only reason it sucks. I can get past that. In all honesty, my boss has gotten a lot better as of late. She actually jokes around with me and didn't blow a gasket when I gave her my list of days I need off for the semester. I have that to look forward to.

I've realized lately that I really can't afford this job anymore. We have no payroll, so nobody is getting great hours. I don't work full-time, so I can't complain that I'm not getting 40 hours. I don't want 40 hours. But I would like to work more than one day a week, which is what I've been getting scheduled for. This isn't the fall. I think my availability states I can work five days a week. People who have been working in my department for a significantly less amount of time than me (I'll have worked at Dick's for two years come March, vom) are getting more hours than me. I just got my bowl trip paycheck, and it was like Christmas.

Not only am I only getting scheduled one day a week, but I get these measly 6-hour shifts. That's not really conducive to making money, especially when you don't even make $8.00 an hour. Yeah. Remember the time I've worked here for almost two years?

I really need to find a new job, but nobody is hiring. It is impossible to find a job anywhere, so I'm trapped. It's really too bad the band office can't afford to have a student assistant this semester, because I would definitely be all over that. But hopefully I'll get to do all the band camp stuff this summer, and continue to work at Dick's, so I can save some money up. I want to live by myself next spring, which means I'll have to pay half of the rent. Working one day a week all spring really isn't going to help me pay half the rent for a semester and a summer.

So to everyone who thought Barack Obama was the second coming of Jesus Christ and was going to fix the economy in a day:

I told you so.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What just happened?

Blogger just autosaved a draft. I had nothing written.

You can save it now, that's fine.

My old lady hobby is coming along nicely. Considering how much I've already done, I think it's safe to say I'm almost done with my geisha's hair. I think a lot of people look at my cross stitching and think, "Good Lord, I would never have the patience to do that." Especially if you screw up as much as I do. )I've had to make some adjustments to the pattern along the way because I apparently can't count.) To me, cross stitching is relaxing. My day to day is so hectic it's just nice to come home at night, sit on the couch, and cross stitch for a little while. Yeah, it's a big undertaking, considering the size of this one (It's 12" by 12") but it's my way of winding down. When I'm not ticked off I just found something else I messed up.

I really think I should get paid for snuggling. I am so good at it. It was nice to just sit on the couch and watch a movie with Austin today. Granted, I dozed off so I didn't watch much of the movie, but it was still nice. Plus, the movie was Office Space, which I've seen a million times, so at least I wasn't totally confused when I woke up.

But now, I don't feel well. I kind of trudged through Meijer. Usually I can't stop myself from buying crap when I go, but nothing sounded good since I felt so yucky. I still feel yucky, so I'm sitting on the couch trying to figure out what I should do. I need to type up a resume for my student teaching application (scary) if I can't find the one I wrote for 277 two years ago. Dr. Robinson didn't post a sample resume on Angel like he said he would, so if I can't find my old one I need to email him and hopefully he'll put it up by tomorrow if he gets my email.

Lifetime takes forever to post episodes of Project Runway. It's extremely frustrating. It's the only show besides 24 this week that I watch that was new, AND I WANT TO WATCH IT. Maybe when I check in a hot second it'll be there.

Hopefully I'll start feeling better soon. I bought these Valley Fresh Steamer things and I want to try one for dinner. I'd really like to actually feel like eating dinner, so this stomach upsetness can just leave now. KBYE.

"I have a nice comforter and several cozy pillows. I usually read a chapter of a book and it's lights out by eight-thirty. That's how I sleep at night." - Angela

Monday, January 25, 2010

They're overrated anyway.

As I sit here procrastinating my Method Book Review paper, I decided to find one more way to do it. In all fairness, it shouldn't take me that long. I'm actually excited to tear this Standard of Excellence book apart, because I hate it. Ha.

Lifetime shows three episodes in a row of Desperate Housewives everyday starting at 3. I just watched the episode after Edie died, and I cried like a baby at the end. I don't even really like Edie, but the end of that episode is a tearjerker, especially for a sap like me.

Speaking of Lifetime, Danielle and I watched The Pregnancy Pact from 11-1 last night. It came on at 9 but we didn't realize it in enough time. So we watched the "special presentation" (I don't know why it was special). I really should not have stayed up that late. I was dozing off in class today. Terrible. But all in all it was a pretty interesting movie. Thora Birch looks exactly the same as she did in Hocus Pocus--like an 8 year old, or however old she was. I can't wait to see what she looks like when she's 90. Probably like an 8 year old.

Camryn Manheim was in it for like, 10 minutes. From seeing the commercials a thousand times a day, (as a commercial comes on) you would have thought she had a major role. Nope.

I did get to hear one girl's dad say "wicked ahm." Massachusetts is a funny place. It's wicked fah from Michigan.

Anyway. I should really work on that paper. I'm so terrible at doing school work.

Oscar: "You put a note in my food?"
Michael: "I made it sterile."
Oscar: "Just saying 'sterile' doesn't make it so."

Friday, January 22, 2010


I am so over the attitude going around. It's like a disease. I don't understand what everybody's problem is, but people just need to stop being huge douche bags. Maybe we'll find out soon that H1N1 is no longer the epidemic du jour; it's really having a huge attitude that seems to be the epidemic.

And I thought I was a witch. Geez Louise.

A new episode of The Office FINALLY came on last night. A lot of people are complaining that it was a flashback show, but I was ok with it. Since my relationship with The Office is only a season or two old, it was entertaining to see clips from episodes I've never seen. I especially enjoyed the Jim and Pam montage.

I forgot about Project Runway last night, and when 30 Rock ended, I washed my face and went to sleep. So annoyed. I guess I'll watch it online when I make a sandwich in a little bit. I hate watching stuff online because my computer is 283 years old (since computer years are like dog years. I don't know the actual math, so I may or may not have completely made that number up) and it has to buffer about every 6 and a half seconds. Maybe if my brain functioned properly I would remember to watch things.

Even though it'll probably gross out, I'm looking forward to skiing tomorrow morning. Since Switch is apparently the only person I know that wants to hang out with me, it'll be nice to get out of East Lansing, even if it's only for a couple hours. Even my boyfriend only wants to go out with me if I'll DD.

I really don't understand what I did to everyone, but it seems people only want to be my friend when they need something from me. Or if they feel obligated because I'm present in some social situation. It's a little bit frustrating. Like seriously, if you don't like me, or you can't stand me, or I did something to you, TELL ME. I hate passive-aggressive BS.

I won't elaborate, for fear of sounding whiny. But really? I would ask people myself, but nobody's ever around to ask what the H their problem is.

I've gotta come up with a list of dates I need off from work today so I don't forget about it. There are a lot, and my boss is going to be peeved, but they're mostly for school, so she can just get over it. I'd really love one day to tell her that that store is not my life; school is my life, and I go to school so I don't have to work in that hell hole for the rest of my life. Get over yourself.

Unfortunately, I haven't found an opportune moment. I really hope I do.

"Babies are one of my many areas of expertise. Growing up, I performed my own circumcision." - Dwight

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I just got fail whaled.

My boyfriend is real lucky I like him. It is freezing at 6:30 in the morning, and I lost valuable sleep getting up to move his car. He owes me big time.

I decided last night that I was born to play timpani. I was in the ZONE last night playing in Campus Band. I don't know if you've ever heard "Third Suite" by Robert Jaeger, but the timpani part is pretty tight. I really don't understand it, but the timpani and I have a connection. A pretty intense one.

Now. Excuse the vent for a hot second. But. The lead in my department at work sent us all a message last night about a talk he had with our manager. He told us some stuff I didn't really care too much about, but also informed us that if we don't keep our backstocks clean, we'll get written up. Now. I'm all for keeping our backstocks clean. It's gotten a little out of control, so I understand. However. How is writing us up for one shelf of shoe boxes not being straight going to help us sell more shoes? Our store is poor. Payroll pretty much is a figment of our imagination these days. Clearly we have far more important things to do than being maids. Like, oh, I don't know....helping customers? Selling stuff? Isn't that what we're here for anyway?

Maybe I missed a memo and my actual job description states, "Clean everything; do everything we say or get fired, even if it's stupid; watch the store go down in flames."

Aren't there ANY jobs left in East Lansing? Seriously. If I wasn't so poor myself, I would just quit. But I would really like to have another job lined up before that occurs. I'm not getting three paychecks like I was in the fall (unfortunately).


I decided from now on, I will part with words of wisdom from my page-a-day calendar. Enjoy.

"People expect a lot from these meetings: laughter, sudden twists, surprise endings...You need to be Robin Williams and M. Night Shyamalan. You need to be 'Robin Shyamalan.'" - Michael

Monday, January 18, 2010

Not your typical Sunday night.

I had every intent of enjoying the Golden Globes with my townie darlings, but then Austin really (like, really) wanted to watch the season premiere of 24. So he came over, long before 24 even started. So we watched useless things on TV (Frank the Entertainer sent home Tammy, the Asian one nobody likes) until it came on. Bootstrap, Maia, and Switch joined us in their own time.

Informed everyone I don't drink pop so I don't have any. Here's some water. Or apple juice.


And then.

The show.

(We made popcorn.)

I think the season premiere set a record for how long it took Jack Bauer to kill somebody. The ax in the chest was a nice touch though. Even though the boys in the room were "Ughhhhhhhhh this is dumb" about the granddaughter scenario, I thought it was touching. The little girl playing his granddaughter is beyond adorable. She likes to run to everyone.

Intriguing plot line so far. The host of Who Wants to be a Millionaire from Slumdog Millionaire plays the president of who knows what. Iraq? I still don't know for sure. Obviously, very interested to find out what the story is with Freddie Prinze, Jr.'s lady friend on the show. Of course we probably won't find out until the second to last episode, if 24 stays true to fashion. I believe tonight the only person with balls in the FBI from last season will be back, but I can't remember her name and it looks like she has a bigger attitude than last season. Karen? Something? No idea.


IMDB is better than Google. Seriously.

Anyway. Should be interesting second half of the season premiere tonight. Four hours of the day done after tonight. The good news is, there are still twenty more episodes to look forward to and agonize over. I really don't know why I put myself through this.

And now I depart for my other favorite drama, DH. That show. Words just can't describe my feelings about it.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

You've gotta start somewhere.

I deleted my Livejournal long ago, and signed up for a Blogger account. It took me until now to come up with a title. Time elapsed?

Many moons.

I've never been creative with words. Or art. Or really anything for that matter. So it's no big surprise it took that long. That and I have serious procrastination issues. In fact, I should be reading for my 18th Century Music class right now. I have four pages left to read for this assignment, and I keep getting distracted. What else is new?

It's going to be a looooong 18 credit semester, that's for sure.

Ideally, I will post approximately 16.48 times more than I did on my Livejournal. Towards the end I used it just to read other people's, and then just got annoyed, leading to deletion of said account. Since I follow a whopping (wait for it) two blogs on Blogger, hopefully that won't become an issue. I know that's impressive, especially since one of them is my brother.

I know what you're thinking. I just have too many friends to know what to do with. My life is just so full of social engagements I can't fit any in my planner anymore.

So remember the time I said I was going to get a lot done today? I should really consider doing that.

Stay classy, WWW.