Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lord, have mercy.

I'm all for the sun. What I am not all for is the sweat. It is TOO hot. Sorry, haters, but what can you do when it's warm? Take off all your clothes? I'm pretty sure people don't look to kindly on people walking around naked, especially if those people are the cops. When it's cold, you put more clothes on. Real simple. Sweating is just inconvenient, and makes you smell.

I'm far from motivated to tackle anything even remotely related to school. I don't feel like going to class or doing homework. Maybe I'll be so bored this weekend being by myself all the time I'll feel compelled to do homework. Danielle is leaving tonight, so I have an apartment to myself. And then on Saturday I have a big house all to myself, because my parents will be in Jamaica with my brother. Nobody likes me. Maybe they'll like me if I host a kegger at my parents'. Just kidding. I wouldn't do that. If I did that, I would be dead.

Developed a huge headache at work last night that hasn't gone away. I've also be sneezing or coughing all day, another reason warm weather sucks. ALLERGIES. Hatehatehatehatehate.

This post is just a huge ball of negativity. Read my Office quote. It is funny.

I'm seriously considering turning the AC on.

Phyllis: "There was no client. Dwight drove me to an abandoned warehouse five miles away and pushed me out of the car. I had to walk home with no money and no phone."
Dwight: "You burned over a thousand calories walking home and this branch just got a little bit closer to winning the contest. Phyllis Vance, ladies and gentlemen."
Phyllis: "You left me in a bad part of town."
Dwight: "Yeah, I took your purse. What are you worried about? You look great. I can definitely see the difference."