Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I just got fail whaled.

My boyfriend is real lucky I like him. It is freezing at 6:30 in the morning, and I lost valuable sleep getting up to move his car. He owes me big time.

I decided last night that I was born to play timpani. I was in the ZONE last night playing in Campus Band. I don't know if you've ever heard "Third Suite" by Robert Jaeger, but the timpani part is pretty tight. I really don't understand it, but the timpani and I have a connection. A pretty intense one.

Now. Excuse the vent for a hot second. But. The lead in my department at work sent us all a message last night about a talk he had with our manager. He told us some stuff I didn't really care too much about, but also informed us that if we don't keep our backstocks clean, we'll get written up. Now. I'm all for keeping our backstocks clean. It's gotten a little out of control, so I understand. However. How is writing us up for one shelf of shoe boxes not being straight going to help us sell more shoes? Our store is poor. Payroll pretty much is a figment of our imagination these days. Clearly we have far more important things to do than being maids. Like, oh, I don't know....helping customers? Selling stuff? Isn't that what we're here for anyway?

Maybe I missed a memo and my actual job description states, "Clean everything; do everything we say or get fired, even if it's stupid; watch the store go down in flames."

Aren't there ANY jobs left in East Lansing? Seriously. If I wasn't so poor myself, I would just quit. But I would really like to have another job lined up before that occurs. I'm not getting three paychecks like I was in the fall (unfortunately).


I decided from now on, I will part with words of wisdom from my page-a-day calendar. Enjoy.

"People expect a lot from these meetings: laughter, sudden twists, surprise endings...You need to be Robin Williams and M. Night Shyamalan. You need to be 'Robin Shyamalan.'" - Michael

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