Sunday, January 17, 2010

You've gotta start somewhere.

I deleted my Livejournal long ago, and signed up for a Blogger account. It took me until now to come up with a title. Time elapsed?

Many moons.

I've never been creative with words. Or art. Or really anything for that matter. So it's no big surprise it took that long. That and I have serious procrastination issues. In fact, I should be reading for my 18th Century Music class right now. I have four pages left to read for this assignment, and I keep getting distracted. What else is new?

It's going to be a looooong 18 credit semester, that's for sure.

Ideally, I will post approximately 16.48 times more than I did on my Livejournal. Towards the end I used it just to read other people's, and then just got annoyed, leading to deletion of said account. Since I follow a whopping (wait for it) two blogs on Blogger, hopefully that won't become an issue. I know that's impressive, especially since one of them is my brother.

I know what you're thinking. I just have too many friends to know what to do with. My life is just so full of social engagements I can't fit any in my planner anymore.

So remember the time I said I was going to get a lot done today? I should really consider doing that.

Stay classy, WWW.

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